1. A very good morning to all. The word we are going to learn today is witch.
2. So, what does it mean by witch ?
3. Witch is 'ahli sihir perempuan' in Malay.
4. Witch refers to a woman with evil magic powers.
5. Sample sentence :
6. The handsome prince turned into a frog with the magic spell of the witch.
1. woman with evil magic powers,
ahli sihir perempuan, perempuan sihir;
2. ( derog) ugly wicked old woman,
perempuan tua keparat;
3. fascinating woman,
perempuan /penggoda, yg menawan hati/.
witchcraft n ilmu sihir.
witch-doctor n bomoh, dukun.
witchery n
1. practice of witchcraft,
ilmu sihir;
2. bewitching influence of beauty, charm, etc,
he fell victim to her witchery,
dia menjadi mangsa kpd godaannya.
witch-hunt n
1. ( in former times) search for witches,
kegiatan memburu perempuan sihir;
2. persecution of those with different views, characteristics, etc,
usaha memburu
(approp n ):
the witch-hunt against the Jews started as soon as Hitler came to power,
usaha memburu orang Yahudi bermula sebaik saja Hitler naik berkuasa;
a witch-hunt for Reds in the organization,
usaha memburu komunis dlm organisasi itu.
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